Lately I’ve had a few emails that gave me pause. Some of them recounted how difficult it is to share Channeling Erik with friends and family members because, not only are they skeptics, but they actually suggested that the entire blog might be a scam. Others confessed that at first, they thought I was insincere…a…
The Shift, Part Two
Thanks for the nominations, buys. Keep up the good work. In appreciation of your efforts, I hope you enjoy part two of Erik’s take on The Shift. He begins by continuing his reply to my question about what will happen to those who fail to choose the path of Love. Erik: They’ll create disease or…
Everything is Information
One of the most fascinating concepts I’ve come across over the past two years is that everything, EVERYTHING, is information. Even love. We are sentient energy, also information, seeking more and more information. We are everything and everything is us. We are Love and Love is all there is. Vlatko Vedral: Everything is information.…
Love, Love and More Love
Love is the Highest Form of Energy By Ricardo Rojas Love is usually defined as a strong affection for another, as a strong regard for and dedication to someone. It could be for our spouse, our family, our friends… But love can also be seen as a form of energy. We already know that all…
Let’s Help This Sweet Boy
Blog member, Wanda, sent me this heart-wrenching video about 7th grader, Jonah Mowry, who has been tormented by his peers since second grade. His wisdom shines through his pain like a graceful pair of dancers, causing me to wonder if he’s here more to teach than to learn. I’ve invited him to join our loving…
How Unconditional Love Feels
Ever wonder how true unconditional love feels? Afterlife experiencer, Nanci Danison, shares her first hand insight after a near death experience. Thanks, Victor Zammit, for finding these great videos. To all the CE family, I unconditionally love you all.
Love and Trauma
Michelle and I have had our first session with our trauma and EMDR therapist last week. In that hour and a half, we both shared our war stories and filled out all sorts of assessment forms. We don’t start the actual EMDR until the third session, but already, I’ve encountered an amazing epiphany. I would…
Happy Homecoming, Erik
October 6th. Two years ago. Lives ripped apart forever. This day is hard for me. The memories. Even driving down Echo Lane this morning brought back that time when we were speeding home in response to Maria’s phone call, everyone screaming at the tops of their lungs. Even opening the front door to water my…
Love or Fear: Which Will You Choose
Before we start, I would like to share the fact that around 4:00 AM, I woke up to smell a freshly lit cigarette. No one in my family smokes, but Erik used to LOVE it. In fact, he would sometime roll his own to save money. As a doctor, I would plead with him to…
How to Rise Above Your Struggles
Me: Erik, there are so many people who are struggling in so many ways. Some of us grieve over a loss, some of us have trouble with a relationship, raising kids, making ends meet, dealing with bosses or co-workers, and even figuring out why we’re here in the first place. My god, the list of…
Missing a Loved One?
Many of you have found your way to this oasis of hope by following a trail of tears. Many of you grieve. Many of you have suffered under the heavy burden of loss. You find camaraderie here. Understanding. Unity. Friendship. Compassion. But it doesn’t replace the son, daughter, lover, friend or sibling that is no…
Who Turned the Lights Out?
Message from Kristina: I will work on moving CE over this week. In the meantime, I ask that you NOT POST ANYTHING Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. In addition, maybe give your readers a warning message that any comments left during that aforementioned time *could* be lost in the transfer. It happens because we can’t control…
Shades of Light
Transcribing the post about twin souls sent me into a bit of a tailspin yesterday. Not that I need to be reminded, but I do feel like a big part of me has been decimated, the part of me capable of feeling joy. As I plod through the day, I force my smiles and fight…
More on The Shift and Twin Souls
Channeling Transcript Me: Now, 2012. I heard this video from Bashar that The Shift will not be physical, really, but more perceptual. He says we’ll open up our awareness, creating a new reality or dimension alongside the one that already exists here on the earthly plane. Is that true? Erik: Yep. Jeannie: I’m SO glad…
The Norway Massacre
The public event in Los Angeles was wonderful. Erik and Maitland didn’t disappoint. My grand baby, Arleen, had her 15 seconds of fame, sitting on Maitland’s lap and chatting with her, then playing “get you” with Uncle Erik like she used to when he was on the physical plane. She said she saw Erik and…
Love and Joy
I’ve been super busy today, plus the channeling event is this evening, so forgive any typos and grammatical errors. I transcribed this at warp speed! Please let me know about any glaring mistakes, though! Channeling Transcript Me: Can you talk about the importance of forgiveness and the best way to forgive? I love that blog…