Jimi continues to describe his death: Jimi: For me, it wasn’t like a night and day thing between my life and death. It was more like this endless dance in and out of consciousness, in and out of the body, wondering, ‘Do I fight for it and stay?’ Every moment you step out of that…
Dean Radin on Skepticism
Wish I had listened to this years and years ago! Share this with the skeptics in your life!
Cardiac Surgeon’s Stories About NDEs
Elisa here. I want to extend my sincere thanks to Chase for helping me with the blog until I no longer am spending most of the day in the hospital with my mother. Also, thanks, so much for all of your love and prayers. They have helped in ways that words cannot completely express. Many…
I Want Me Some Deepak!
A few of announcements! 1) The Ask Erik page is back! Since I’m still channeling celebrities for the book, I won’t be able to handle more than one submission per session, so if you have the financial ability to pay a psychic medium for a session, please do. This is mostly a charitable service Erik,…
The Astral Planes and the Nature of Death
Channeling Transcript Me: Are there different astral planes, Erik? Erik: Yeah, absolutely! And another thing that I’m learning, uh, I’m just having such a good time learning things— Me (laughing): You never used to, except things you were really, really interested in! Erik laughs, too. Erik: Yeah, I’m having a great time because this kinda…
Five Reasons You Won’t Die
Blog member, Chase, shared this with me. I hope you’re as comforted as I was after reading it! Five Reasons You Won’t Die Robert Lanza, M.D. Scientist, Theoretician We’ve been taught we’re just a collection of cells, and that we die when our bodies wear out. End of story. I’ve written textbooks showing how cells…
Real or Illusory?
Funny story alert. I was practicing using my dousing rods yesterday, in one case to find Erik. Guess where he was. Yep, on the toilet off my utility room. Then Maria gave it a whirl and guess where she found him. Yep, on the toilet in the powder room. Some things never change, and scatological…
Interview with Montague Keen
The party with the California blog members was so fun! I’ll post photos and videos. I think the highlight had to be Endre serenading us with his violin. It was simply magnificent. A video of that is soon to come. It was an honor to meet you all! Now enjoy this remarkable interview with a…
The Afterlife Investigations
The party for the West Coast Channeling Erik family is in just a few hours. Wish you all were here, but do enjoy your July 4th weekend. I’ll try to take videos or photographs!
More on Disease and Home Movies (YAY!)
Blog member, Noah, currently visiting Israel, sent us this request. I hope the healers in our family can help. Also on the agenda today, we’re going to revisit the spiritual basis for some diseases yet to be covered. Then, I hope you enjoy a home video of Erik when he was very young. Twice a…
More on 2012 and “The Shift”
When I read the summary of the public channeling event where Erik described the details of his death, it took the wind out of my sails a bit. Of course it was all true, but I try not to think about that day any more. So yesterday was not easy. But then, I came to…
How the Ancient Egyptians Explored the Afterlife
How wonderful to wake up and know that we will live to see another day! I bet those Doomsday cults must be feeling a little silly right now.
More on the Life Review
Robert is doing better as of yesterday evening. He was in agony with pain in the area where the stoma was, for some reason. This is odd, because usually the reversal surgery is not nearly as painful, especially considering the had a ruptured bowel and peritonitis then. But after much pleading, I got them to…