Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, let’s talk about children. You know, some of them die so early, so young, that they don’t really have time to be indoctrinated with a specific belief system. So, what is their death experience like? Oh, and what is the afterlife like for them too? Erik: Well, Mom, everyone has a…
More on Children and Dreams
Elisa MedhusDecember 9, 2010in After Death Communication, Afterlife, Astral Projection, Bereaved, Between Lives, Bipolar disease, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Contact with the dead, Crossing over, Death, Death of a Child, Dream visitation, Dreams, Grief, Grieving, Guardian Angel, Heaven, Human Experience, Immortality, Infant death, Kim O'Neill, Love, Lucid Dream, Messages from the dead, Molestation, Murder, Out of Body Experience, Pedophile, Psychic medium, Quantum Physics of the Soul, Sexual abuse, Spirit Guides, Spirit visitation, Spiritual enlightenment, Spiritual presence, Struggles, Suffering, Traveling to the afterlife, Violent deaths