Tag: Past life

Channeling Elizabeth Taylor, Part Three

Channeling Elizabeth Taylor, Part Three

Do any of you know of any super cheap (or free) modalities for video chatting that also records so I can videotape my sessions and post them on YouTube, Huffpo, and other venues? Also, do any of you have any ideas for a place in or around Austin, TX where Jamie and Erik can hold…

Channeling Rock Hudson. Part Three

Channeling Rock Hudson. Part Three

Here’s Mr. Hudson’s Grand Finale: (Again, this is only a short excerpt. Gotta wait for the book.) Me: All right. What insights do you think you gained, Mr. Hudson, now that you have a new perspective from the afterlife? Rock: The biggest insight I gained was the proof I wanted all along when I was…

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Three

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Three

As many of you know, Tupac was no angel here on earth. He suffered many hardships, committed many transgressions, but in the end, he graced the world with his poetry and now, from the afterlife, with his wisdom. Enjoy the last segment of Tupac’s interview. Me: Okay. Now, what past life do you think influenced…

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Three

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Three

I don’t know how I forgot to publish this. It was supposed to be the entry for Thanksgiving. Sigh. Mark your calendars, Peeps. This Tuesday the 29th at 7:00 P.M. CST, Erik will once again be interviewed by Sheila Gale on her internationally renown radio show, The Sheila Show. Here’s the link: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=24454047 Be sure…

Channeling Heath Ledger, Part Three

Channeling Heath Ledger, Part Three

Me: Is there a past life you can share that most affected this last one? Heath: That’s a very clever question. Jamie laughs loudly. Jamie: That’s so smart!  He’s comparing talking about other lives to the secrets in your closet. Heath: Like when you’re alive, your sexual orientation is kind of what you keep in…

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part Two

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part Two

Enjoy part two of Buddy’s story! Me: Can you tell me a little about where you are in the afterlife? What do you do there? What are your surroundings? Buddy: I’m with my family. I’m with other friends. Even though I have a personal liking to the music and the power it holds, there are…

When Visits From Loved Ones Wane

When Visits From Loved Ones Wane

Note, this is from a session on May 17th, 2011. Tomorrow, Chris Farley takes the stage, so just brace yourself and wear a kidney belt so you don’t crack a rib laughing! Channeling Transcript Me: Here’s one from a blog member. Is the “hollow earth” theory accurate? Erik: As far as I know, it’s solid….

Channeling Janis Joplin, Part Three

Channeling Janis Joplin, Part Three

I want to thank all of you for joining in and providing support for Erik’s interview yesterday. God, it was so fun. For those of you who missed it, don’t worry, because I plan to share the download with all of you. The host, Sharon Crawford, is an amazing spirit, sure destined to do great…

Channeling Jimi Hendrix, Part Four

Channeling Jimi Hendrix, Part Four

Before Jimi takes the stage, I’d like to share a request for prayers and healing energy from blog member, Tony. Please help in any way you can for this darling child of God. Hi Elisa, I hope all is well with you. I was hoping you might be able to post on your site a…

Channeling Jon Benet Ramsey, Part Three

Channeling Jon Benet Ramsey, Part Three

Remember what Jon Benet said about the fact that we’d see more examples of “spiritualness” and love among animals? Here’s amazing evidence of that! Now, enjoy the last part of our interview with Jon Benet Ramsey. Me: Okay, was there anything you were here to learn or to teach? Jon Benet: I was there on…

John Lennon, Part Three

John Lennon, Part Three

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Mine was busy putting on an engagement party at our house for my eldest daughter and her fiance. We had such a great time with our in-laws and sister-to-be, our friends, family, and, of course, Robert (who we all consider family anyway.) I’d also like to thank everyone…

Channeling Michael Jackson, Part Three

Channeling Michael Jackson, Part Three

All good things must come to an end, including our conversation with Michael, at least for now. At the end of this entry, I included a candid interview with Michael about the abuse he endured as a child. Very sad. On a lighter note, please enjoy an encore of Sam Tsui’s Michael Jackson Medley as…

Channeling Kurt Cobain, Part Two

Channeling Kurt Cobain, Part Two

Many who have led such tortured existences like Kurt seem elated to transition Home again. This should in no way condone suicide. In past entries, Erik has explained time and time again why taking your own life is almost never the best option. When you cross over, you still carry the same emotional baggage with…

Channeling River Phoenix, Part Two

Channeling River Phoenix, Part Two

Here’s part two of River’s message. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Know that I think about you, my cyber family, every day. I love you! To refresh your memory, River answers a question about his previous beliefs: River: I pretty much dabbled in spiritualism. I really felt that there was a spirit…

Ian Stevenson

Ian Stevenson

Scientist, Ian Stevenson, is one of my heroes, first to etch away part of my thick armor of skepticism. Enjoy this video about his work. Enjoy Endre’s performance of Dany Boy at a 911 Commemoration. Very poignant, full of feeling, keep the Kleenex box handy. Danny Boy – Endre Balogh Tomorrow, I will be out…

Patrick’s Session with Erik

Patrick’s Session with Erik

Remember when Arleen called blog member, Professor Patrick, her grandfather? Well, there’s lot’s more detail to that story as you will see in his account of his channeling session yesterday with Jamie and Erik. Enjoy. Elisa: As threatened, I had that session with Jamie earlier today and just as you suggested, I invited Erik. I…

Me Erik, You Jillian. Ugh.

Me Erik, You Jillian. Ugh.

Now let’s find out a little about Erik’s sweetheart in the afterlife. Oh, I can just see him rolling his eyes and blushing.  Also, at the end of this post, listen to Shannon’s past life regression conference call and prepare to be amazed. If you want her to help you work out any similar issues,…

More on the Life Review

More on the Life Review

Robert is doing better as of yesterday evening. He was in agony with pain in the area where the stoma was, for some reason. This is odd, because usually the reversal surgery is not nearly as painful, especially considering the had a ruptured bowel and peritonitis then. But after much pleading, I got them to…

Arleen’s Spiritual Gifts

Arleen’s Spiritual Gifts

I find it awe-inspiring how spiritually connected most children are. They have their imaginary friends; they talk to deceased; they astral travel. It’s a shame that we often douse those spiritual flames with criticism and ridicule. My grand daughter, Arleen, has been demonstrating a huge increase in her psychic gifts lately. For instance, she continues…

Just for Fun

Just for Fun

Enough of the heavy stuff for a day. Let’s enjoy some Erik antics! After the transcript, please enjoy the amazing account of a woman who claims to be the reincarnation of Anne Frank. You can tell by her demeanor and her story that she is NOT a fraud! Thanks, Tracy, for bringing these videos to…

When the Soul Enters the Body

When the Soul Enters the Body

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone, Irish or otherwise. Let’s send some of our luck wrapped in love and light to the folks in Japan and all those brave men and women there to help. Blog member, Shawna, sent me the most recent Divine Openings newsletter, and one section in particular really struck a chord. I’d…

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