Kristina is in New York at a leadership conference in New York City and heard Joan Rivers speak during lunch. Afterwards, they met and talked at length about their tragic experiences losing family members to suicide. You may or may not recall that Joan’s husband killed himself years ago. Anyway, Kristina went on to tell…
Prostitutes, Drug Addicts, Criminals and Robots in the Afterlife?
Channeling Transcript Me: One of the blog members wants to know if there are prostitutes, drug addicts and criminals in the afterlife. I mean, can you pay for the services of a prostitute, can you buy drugs, can you commit crimes there? Erik (laughing): Well, there aren’t any criminals, cuz there’s no crime here, Mom!…
More Erik Mischief!
Enjoy blog member, Randi’s, Erik experience. I always enjoy wondering: ‘Who’s next?’ Maybe it’s you! Hi Elisa! I’ve been meaning to write you for a few days now — I’ve also been meaning to call Robert — but work is so insane right now that I was actually up until 4 am last Saturday night….
Erik’s Magic Trick
I have a lot of very cool things to share with you today. First and foremost, ROBERT HAS BEEN UNLEASHED ON THE UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC!!!! YAY!! He’s here with me at home, no doubt being driven crazy by the happy chaos. My sister and brother-in-law are coming to help us celebrate! As if this wasn’t good…
Ask Jason: Barby’s Questions
A couple of quick but important announcements: It looks like they won’t have to carve on Robert after all. The surgeon thinks it’s a huge hematoma (collection of clotted blood) rather than an abscess. Not sure how this can cause a white cell count of 21,000, but he may come home tomorrow!! I’m concerned that…
The Jason and Erik Show
First an update on Robert. Good news and bad news. The good news is that Robert feels great other than frequent shaking chills. The bad news is that on CT scan, they found a big abscess just behind the bladder causing those chills as well as his high white cell count. So back to the…
Haunting the Fam
Robert is coming along fine. He’s getting up to walk, taking clear liquids by mouth, and getting his sense of humor back as you can see! (He was having hot flashes so I filled up those blue gloves with ice.) On another note, I noticed a lot of you have been very reticent about contacting…
Music, Reiki, and Other Balms for the Soul
Update on Robert Robert was just transferred to a regular room!!! Room 604. If you want to call him, keep the conversations very short because he’s still very tired. When he’s totally wiped, he might unplug the phone, but don’t let that alarm you. The main hospital number is 713-527-5000. They can put you through…
Channeling and Free Will
I hate Sundays. They’re so long and empty. No routine. All the errands and housework is finished, the kids are out annoying someone else’s parents (gotta spread the love,) and Rune and I are left alone with idle minds. What’s that saying: “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop?” So true. In rolls the missing and…
You Like-a Da Pepper?
Okay, for all of you who are a bit confused about the title, you probably don’t watch Saturday Night Live much. It’s a reference to a series of skits where Adam Sandler and Dana Carvey play “pepper boys” at an Italian restaurant. Really funny. But if you missed out, I’ve included one of the skits…
Seeing Spirits, 101
This morning, I realized the media gallery plug-in was deactivated. Hmm. Maybe Erik is playing shy and doesn’t want all the attention. Nahhhhh. Anyway, if you’d like to view photos and videos, click on the “Media Gallery” tab on the top of the Home Page. Here’s the link: Now for the second announcement: I…
Guess Who?
In this segment of the channeling session, I asked Erik to tell me more about, well, me. I think most of you can relate to the quandary I face, feeling like I sometimes don’t belong here on the earthly plane, so I sincerely hope you derive something meaningful from his answers. Channeling Transcript Me: Now,…
Multiple Selves, Lives and Dimensions, Part One
First, let me apologize in advance. If you’re anything like me, your brain is still licking its wounds from yesterday’s post. Unfortunately, the following information shared by Erik has reduced mine to a quivering mass of jelly. But take heart, because, out of love and compassion for my readers, I’ve divided this post into two parts….
Sex, TV and Who’s on Top
Before we begin, I’d like to update everyone on the state of grief in the family. Erik’s siblings are finally allowing themselves to feel anger and sorrow. For the last year, most of them have taken comfort in the attitude, “He’s in a better place and no longer suffering. I’m happy for him,” but now,…
Soul Groups and Occupations
Sorry for not writing much of a preface here, but it’s been a very hectic workday, and I have to squeeze these transcriptions in whenever I get the chance. Again, you’ll notice I’ve asked Erik some of the same questions through different mediums in an effort to seek a uniform and consistent message. I hope…
More on Suicide
Parts of this entry may be met with controversy, as you will soon see. No politics, though, I promise. You're advice on whether to edit out those parts will be very much appreciated. Erik was not at all clear about whether or not I should filter some of his volatile comments. Channeling Transcript Me: Okay,…
A Big Hug for Jason
This entry is all Jason and Erik. I found it so heartwarming and timely just before Thanksgiving. Enjoy! Elisa! Guess what! I got an Erik manifestation I’ve not experienced before last night! Here’s the story. So, Erik and Robert and one of my Teachers has been helping me with an emotional issue I’d been having…
While You Were Sleeping…
After you read this, you’ll never feel like a lazy slob for sleeping in! Channeling Transcript Me: Erik, are you aware of people who are sleeping coming over to visit in the afterlife? In other words, when people are sleeping in bed, can they travel to the afterlife so that they’re physical bodies are like…
Ask Erik: Chrissie’s Question
As I think I’ve mentioned earlier, even though I have tons of questions yet to ask for the book, I try to pose one Ask Erik question during each hour-long session. Chrissie’s dilemma is one that many of us share as we struggle through our human experience on the earthly plane. The lesson has everything…
Life’s a Bitch (Depending on Your Perspective)
In the beginning of this channeling session, I asked about the hardships one of our family friends had to endure during much of her youth. For obvious reasons, I’ve changed her name to protect her privacy. But I share this with you, because many of us struggle with adversity at some time in our lives,…
Erik on Senses and Emotions in the Afterlife
In this part of the channeling session, Erik shares how senses and emotions differ between discarnate and incarnate souls. Not only did I find this information fascinating, it also seemed so very real and true. Be sure to read the Antal story after the transcript at the end of the post. Talk about synchronicity! Channeling…
A Message from Erik
To my wonderful Channeling Erik family: Here is a message that Erik has intended for you as channeled through Jason: Elisa, I have a message from Erik for the both of us and those in the “Family”. Remember how Robert and I talked about Erik learning different ways of manifesting himself? Well he’s been practicing…
The Afterlife According the Erik, Part One
After a bit of a false start on my part, Erik has much to say on the structure of the afterlife. At first, I ask him questions about death, because I forgot that I already asked him through Jamie during the last session. It’s Hell getting old! Channeling Transcript Me: Do we each have soul…
Ask Erik: Endre’s Questions
Endre’s Questions Dear Elisa, I discovered your beautiful blog “Channeling Erik” about ten days ago. It is a real blessing and service that you and your dear Erik are providing the world. Thank you for doing it. Please accept my deepest sympathy for all the heartache you and your family have had to endure. It…