I had the most amazing lucid dreams last night. It was one of those dreams where you think you’re actually awake. Maybe I was, I don’t know. I knew my eyes were closed, but I could still “see” in spite of that fact. I thought that was pretty weird. So, with eyes shut, I saw…
More on Animal Souls
Elisa MedhusFebruary 11, 2011in After Death Communication, Afterlife, Astral Projection, belief, Bereaved, Bipolar disease, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Consciousness, Contact with the dead, Crossing over, Death, Death of a Child, Death of a pet, Dream visitation, Dreams, Grief, Grieving, Holographic Universe, Human Experience, Immortality, Jamie Butler, Life, Life After Death, Lucid Dream, Mental illness, Messages from the dead, Pets in Heaven, Pranks from spirits, Proof in the spirit world, Proof of the Afterlife, Psychic medium, Reincarnation, Spirit visitation, Spiritual presence, Struggles, Suffering, Suicide, The Physics of Consciousness, The Physics of Heaven, The Soul, Traveling to the afterlife, Violent deaths