
Music, Reiki, and Other Balms for the Soul

Music, Reiki, and Other Balms for the Soul

Update on Robert Robert was just transferred to a regular room!!! Room 604. If you want to call him, keep the conversations very short because he’s still very tired. When he’s totally wiped, he might unplug the phone, but don’t let that alarm you. The main hospital number is 713-527-5000. They can put you through…

When Does the Soul Enter the Body?

When Does the Soul Enter the Body?

Channeling Transcript Me: Now what’s the difference—a lot of people have asked this questions—between ghosts and spirits? Erik: Nothing. Me: I didn’t think so. It’s all semantics. Erik: Ghosts, spirits, haunts, they’re called many different kinds of things but they’re all just discarnate souls. All the same thing. Me: Okay. Now here’s another question a…

The Birth and Death of Souls

The Birth and Death of Souls

Update on Robert Hey all. I visited Robert for a few hours this morning. I saw that his doctors did start the medication I suggested, so his heart rate has lowered considerably. It’s still a bit high, but his low hemoglobin is the explanation. Fortunately, they’re giving him a unit of blood. I took my…

Platonic and Romantic Soul Mates and Celebs

Platonic and Romantic Soul Mates and Celebs

First I’d like to give you an update on our Robert. This morning, he looked about the same. He claims he feels better, but his heart rate is over 140 and I’m concerned. I’m waiting to hear from his physician. His blood cultures came out positive for Staph, so they’ve changed his antibiotics. He only…

How We Evolve After Death

How We Evolve After Death

I had trouble keeping Erik on track with this question. What I really wanted to find out is how our senses, emotions and self-concept changes while we’re in the afterlife, but for some reason, I couldn’t get him to go much beyond the comparison of how these differ before and after death. He was a…

Channeling and Free Will

Channeling and Free Will

I hate Sundays. They’re so long and empty. No routine. All the errands and housework is finished, the kids are out annoying someone else’s parents (gotta spread the love,) and Rune and I are left alone with idle minds. What’s that saying: “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop?” So true. In rolls the missing and…

You Like-a Da Pepper?

You Like-a Da Pepper?

Okay, for all of you who are a bit confused about the title, you probably don’t watch Saturday Night Live much. It’s a reference to a series of skits where Adam Sandler and Dana Carvey play “pepper boys” at an Italian restaurant. Really funny. But if you missed out, I’ve included one of the skits…

Body or No Body?

Body or No Body?

One favor before I share an extremely interesting segment of the November channeling session: The 2011 Bloggies are accepting nominations now. They have a weird set up. You can nominate a blog for as many relevant categories as you wish, but when you do, you have to include two others. For instance, if you nominate…

Numerical Sequences, 2012 and Manifestations

Numerical Sequences, 2012 and Manifestations

I would like to thank all of you for sending love and healing thoughts to my father. Hopefully, when we go back for all the tests next week, we’ll find out that he’s the healthiest 90 year-old on the planet. Here’s some pictures of him both young and recent. Isn’t he dashing? He looks like…

Poetry for the Bereaved, Part Two

Poetry for the Bereaved, Part Two

Enjoy Danielle’s second piece which she has accompanied with a song from the Tiger Lillies. Sister’s Blues I will share with you everything I know. The tender heart ripped from its root. Icy winds make the body shake & quake and squawk like a deranged & rabid animal. Fury’s acid sets the eyes green, the…

Guess Who?

Guess Who?

In this segment of the channeling session, I asked Erik to tell me more about, well, me. I think most of you can relate to the quandary I face, feeling like I sometimes don’t belong here on the earthly plane, so I sincerely hope you derive something meaningful from his answers. Channeling Transcript Me: Now,…

Poetry for the Bereaved

Poetry for the Bereaved

Today I have a treat for you. Blog member and poet extraordinaire, Danielle N., has worked hard to craft five pieces of literary art that helps us deal with grief and loss. For me, each one evoked unexpected and powerful emotions. Read them slowly, soak in the words and note the feelings that bubble to…

Channeling Incarnate Spirits

Channeling Incarnate Spirits

Venting time. I hate British Airways. Okay, so hate is a strong word, but… I know I should send them thoughts of love and healing, but hell no. I’m human and very flawed. We were supposed to leave for Norway Sunday, but OMG, 10 friggin’ inches of snow fell on London, so the flight was…

Atheists and the Very Religious

Atheists and the Very Religious

God I hope I don’t get into trouble with this! (grin) Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, now a have a couple of questions here, uh, this is one I already know the answer to, but I guess I’d like it to be phrased for the book. Is there a hell, and what happens to very religious…

The Medhus Soul Group

The Medhus Soul Group

Channeling Transcript Me: When our soul group was in the “between lives” phase just before this life, Erik, what did we want to accomplish? How were we to help each other? What were our individual and collective destinies? I know what your destiny was, but what other key elements were involved in creating that spiritual…

Erik Plays with Arley (and Other Cool Stuff)

Erik Plays with Arley (and Other Cool Stuff)

Dang, it’s so hard to come up with a suitable title when the entry is about all sorts of random stuff, but hopefully the following will offset the sucky title. A couple of days ago, I was talking (through Jamie) to Erik about one of my daughter’s grief and anger issues. Like I mentioned in…

Sex, TV and Who’s on Top

Sex, TV and Who’s on Top

Before we begin, I’d like to update everyone on the state of grief in the family. Erik’s siblings are finally allowing themselves to feel anger and sorrow. For the last year, most of them have taken comfort in the attitude, “He’s in a better place and no longer suffering. I’m happy for him,” but now,…

Why the Human Experience

Why the Human Experience

I know I’ve addressed this question before, but again, I love getting Erik’s perspective from different mediums. Part of me wants confirmation to bolster my status as a recently reformed skeptic, and part of me wants to see if Erik has learned more about the subject so that he can share additional details and delve…

More About the Afterlife

More About the Afterlife

Before we share more on the nature of the afterlife, I have a quick announcement. As I said before, we have a new forum. The old one had too many glitches. Also, the new one allows us to upload images! Jason very kindly and expertly added some interesting topics, so I hope you take the…

How Erik Chooses Who to Visit

How Erik Chooses Who to Visit

I've often wondered how Erik chooses which blog members to visit, haven't you? Many months ago, he seem to pop in on readers randomly just for the thrill of their reaction. Look back on his visit to Damien in Ireland. (Erik Travels Abroad, posted July 23rd) As you may remember, more highly evolved spiritual beings…

More on Suicide

More on Suicide

Parts of this entry may be met with controversy, as you will soon see. No politics, though, I promise. You're advice on whether to edit out those parts will be very much appreciated. Erik was not at all clear about whether or not I should filter some of his volatile comments. Channeling Transcript Me: Okay,…

Erik’s Death

Erik’s Death

Me: Okay, so one thing we didn’t really cover in detail is what happened after you died, Erik. I know you went to see your friend, Valentin, then you went to Norway to see your grandfather and then to see Denise, but can you give me more blow by blow specifics? Erik: You mean after…

Children in Heaven

Children in Heaven

Before I share this post, I’d like to tell you all how much I love you. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. And to those of you who, like me, will be missing the presence of a loved one tomorrow, know that they are and will be with you forever. We must try to…

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