Kristina is in New York at a leadership conference in New York City and heard Joan Rivers speak during lunch. Afterwards, they met and talked at length about their tragic experiences losing family members to suicide. You may or may not recall that Joan’s husband killed himself years ago. Anyway, Kristina went on to tell…
More Erik Mischief!
Enjoy blog member, Randi’s, Erik experience. I always enjoy wondering: ‘Who’s next?’ Maybe it’s you! Hi Elisa! I’ve been meaning to write you for a few days now — I’ve also been meaning to call Robert — but work is so insane right now that I was actually up until 4 am last Saturday night….
Erik’s Magic Trick
I have a lot of very cool things to share with you today. First and foremost, ROBERT HAS BEEN UNLEASHED ON THE UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC!!!! YAY!! He’s here with me at home, no doubt being driven crazy by the happy chaos. My sister and brother-in-law are coming to help us celebrate! As if this wasn’t good…
The Afterlife Investigations
By popular demand, here’s that amazing video. Be sure to watch all of it, because, despite some repetition, the evidence just keeps getting more and more amazing. NOTE: I SEE THAT THIS IS NOW PASSWORD PROTECTED. IT’S WORTH PURCHASING THOUGH!! THE AFTERLIFE INVESTIGATIONS DVD EDIT 12.1.11 from TIM COLEMAN on Vimeo.
Ask Jason: Barby’s Questions
A couple of quick but important announcements: It looks like they won’t have to carve on Robert after all. The surgeon thinks it’s a huge hematoma (collection of clotted blood) rather than an abscess. Not sure how this can cause a white cell count of 21,000, but he may come home tomorrow!! I’m concerned that…
Nina’s Session with Jamie
I know many of you have had sessions with Jamie, but for those of you who need further convincing, enjoy this transcription Nina so graciously typed up for her Channeling Erik family. If you do decide to book a session, remember that she doesn’t record. I have a digital micro-recorder and a contraction from Radio…
Haunting the Fam
Robert is coming along fine. He’s getting up to walk, taking clear liquids by mouth, and getting his sense of humor back as you can see! (He was having hot flashes so I filled up those blue gloves with ice.) On another note, I noticed a lot of you have been very reticent about contacting…
How We Evolve After Death
I had trouble keeping Erik on track with this question. What I really wanted to find out is how our senses, emotions and self-concept changes while we’re in the afterlife, but for some reason, I couldn’t get him to go much beyond the comparison of how these differ before and after death. He was a…
Channeling and Free Will
I hate Sundays. They’re so long and empty. No routine. All the errands and housework is finished, the kids are out annoying someone else’s parents (gotta spread the love,) and Rune and I are left alone with idle minds. What’s that saying: “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop?” So true. In rolls the missing and…
Seeing Spirits, 101
This morning, I realized the media gallery plug-in was deactivated. Hmm. Maybe Erik is playing shy and doesn’t want all the attention. Nahhhhh. Anyway, if you’d like to view photos and videos, click on the “Media Gallery” tab on the top of the Home Page. Here’s the link: Now for the second announcement: I…
Body or No Body?
One favor before I share an extremely interesting segment of the November channeling session: The 2011 Bloggies are accepting nominations now. They have a weird set up. You can nominate a blog for as many relevant categories as you wish, but when you do, you have to include two others. For instance, if you nominate…
Numerical Sequences, 2012 and Manifestations
I would like to thank all of you for sending love and healing thoughts to my father. Hopefully, when we go back for all the tests next week, we’ll find out that he’s the healthiest 90 year-old on the planet. Here’s some pictures of him both young and recent. Isn’t he dashing? He looks like…
Wanna Learn How to See Auras and Spirits?
I received Jamie Butler’s newsletter a couple of hours ago and noticed she is offering a class in how to see auras and spirits. Cool, eh? I’ve copied and pasted it below. Frankly, I think it would be fun to save up some mulah and charter a cruise to the Bahamas or somewhere else relaxing,…
More on Soul Groups and Erik Visitations
Channeling Transcript Me: Are humans drawn to each other, because of similar vibrational frequencies? Erik: Yes, there’s physics behind it, Mom. It’s the same as likes and dislikes. Me: Okay. So are likes and dislikes a vibrational frequency type thing? Erik: Yes. Me: Um, how about soul groups? How is the grouping determined? Erik: Same…
Happy Birthday Jason!
Hello all! Jason has graciously given me the green light to post the wonderful birthday party Erik, Jillian and Emily hosted for him during the wee hours of the morning. From the antics that unfolded, Erik was clearly heading up the planning committee! Before you read on, I’d like to share an update on my…
Channeling Incarnate Spirits
Venting time. I hate British Airways. Okay, so hate is a strong word, but… I know I should send them thoughts of love and healing, but hell no. I’m human and very flawed. We were supposed to leave for Norway Sunday, but OMG, 10 friggin’ inches of snow fell on London, so the flight was…
The Medhus Soul Group
Channeling Transcript Me: When our soul group was in the “between lives” phase just before this life, Erik, what did we want to accomplish? How were we to help each other? What were our individual and collective destinies? I know what your destiny was, but what other key elements were involved in creating that spiritual…
Why the Human Experience
I know I’ve addressed this question before, but again, I love getting Erik’s perspective from different mediums. Part of me wants confirmation to bolster my status as a recently reformed skeptic, and part of me wants to see if Erik has learned more about the subject so that he can share additional details and delve…
More About the Afterlife
Before we share more on the nature of the afterlife, I have a quick announcement. As I said before, we have a new forum. The old one had too many glitches. Also, the new one allows us to upload images! Jason very kindly and expertly added some interesting topics, so I hope you take the…
How Erik Chooses Who to Visit
I've often wondered how Erik chooses which blog members to visit, haven't you? Many months ago, he seem to pop in on readers randomly just for the thrill of their reaction. Look back on his visit to Damien in Ireland. (Erik Travels Abroad, posted July 23rd) As you may remember, more highly evolved spiritual beings…
Ask Erik: Kerry’s Question
Kerry’s Questions Elisa, Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I agree, I worry that the e-mail I previously sent would have too much identifying information. So, in interest of anonymity, here are the basic facts: Me: Kerry; from Tyler, TX; I was 16 when Brian and I met, 23 when…
Erik’s Death
Me: Okay, so one thing we didn’t really cover in detail is what happened after you died, Erik. I know you went to see your friend, Valentin, then you went to Norway to see your grandfather and then to see Denise, but can you give me more blow by blow specifics? Erik: You mean after…
Maribelle’s Amazing Experience
Here’s a fantastic story a blog reader shared with me. Her experience was occurring while she typed the text below in an email she then sent to me. After you read this, perhaps you can offer her your insight. Personally, I think she was surrounded by spiritual boarders, but your input would be great! Hi…
A Big Hug for Jason
This entry is all Jason and Erik. I found it so heartwarming and timely just before Thanksgiving. Enjoy! Elisa! Guess what! I got an Erik manifestation I’ve not experienced before last night! Here’s the story. So, Erik and Robert and one of my Teachers has been helping me with an emotional issue I’d been having…