I find it awe-inspiring how spiritually connected most children are. They have their imaginary friends; they talk to deceased; they astral travel. It’s a shame that we often douse those spiritual flames with criticism and ridicule. My grand daughter, Arleen, has been demonstrating a huge increase in her psychic gifts lately. For instance, she continues…
Have You Hugged Your Socks Today?
Channeling Transcript Me: How does one raise their vibrational frequency? Erik: First, change what your eating. Eat natural foods. Meat is natural—I’m not trying ot be mean, but, um, stop the processed foods; stop the sugar. Me: Jesus, I’m gonna starve to death. Erik: No, seriously, Mom. Processed foods and sugars slow down the vibrations….
Just for Fun
Enough of the heavy stuff for a day. Let’s enjoy some Erik antics! After the transcript, please enjoy the amazing account of a woman who claims to be the reincarnation of Anne Frank. You can tell by her demeanor and her story that she is NOT a fraud! Thanks, Tracy, for bringing these videos to…
More on Multiple Selves, Senses and Emotions
Here are some dates Jamie has provide us for a fantastic Atlanta Channeling Erik Family Reunion (or Union): May 13th, 14th and 15th June 17th, 18th and 19th June 24th, 25th, and 26th Let me know which ones are good for you. A head count would be nice. Plus, we’re going to plan a Fall…
When the Soul Enters the Body
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone, Irish or otherwise. Let’s send some of our luck wrapped in love and light to the folks in Japan and all those brave men and women there to help. Blog member, Shawna, sent me the most recent Divine Openings newsletter, and one section in particular really struck a chord. I’d…
Ghosts and Spirits
Here’s a very important reminder from Shannon: I’ll be doing the ‘Releasing Blocks’ call on Thursday, March 17, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (and Arizona), 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time, 7:00 p.m. Central Time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. Google ‘United States Time Zones’ if you’re not sure which zone you are in. Call in info: (218) 632-9896,…
Music as a Way to Heal
It’s fitting that Erik answer all music-related questions, given the love he had for all forms, classical, rock, jazz, blues, country, and more. What he hasn’t covered until now is using music as a healing modality now and in the future. I find this all fascinating. A recent comment on another blog by two Channeling…
The Simple Truth of the Little Glass Box
Bet that title’s gotcha thinking, huh? Enjoy this channeling session through Jamie, recorded just after New Years. Channeling Transcript Jamie: How are you doing?! Happy New Year! Me: I’m doing fine, and Happy New Year, Merry belated Christmas and the whole shebang to you, too, Jamie! Jamie laughs. Jamie: I was just chit-chatting with Erik…
Fear Tactics
Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, now what are earth’s lightworkers? You mentioned before that they planned a special mission before incarnating. What else can you share with us about that? Erik: Lightworkers are those people who choose to come back. It’s not like they have to or anything. We talked about that just a little while…
Energy Blockages
My father has been suffering from influenza and now has post-influenzal staphylococcal pneumonia. If you can, send him the energetic healing he needs. Time to recharge those frickin’ lasers and aim them at his lungs! Thanks guys! Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, here’s another one from a reader. When we dream about those who have died,…
Soul Music
Hey all. I’m going to increase the size of the photos in the previous post so please re-visit them so you can see which of the orbs are obviously NOT dust specks. Also, at the bottom of this post, you’ll notice more icons under “Share the Love.” So you have more avenues to expand our…
Erik’s Messages to the Channeling Erik Family
I had another amazing session with Erik through Jamie, and Erik had a lot of messages for us: I asked, “Erik, do you have any messages for your fan?” Jamie laughs, because Erik is doing this hand gesture like the Queen of England would do. “Oh yes, my children.” Erik: Yes, tell everybody that there…
More on the Afterlife and Soul Groups
Here’s a great quote for all the closed-minded skeptics out there: “All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; next it is violently attacked; finally, it is held to be self-evident.”–Arthur Schopenhauer Sorry about the repetition, but I wanted to ask Erik some of the same questions through another channel to see if…
Sex, Emotions and Other Odds and Ends
Well, the Best Weblog for Religion went to The Friendly Atheist. (Total irony, right?) If that’s the case and the atheists have a stronghold in popularity, then we still have much work to do! Congratulations to them; it’s a very well-designed an well-written blog. But boy won’t they be surprised when they cross over (hee…
Erik Calls Shotgun
Long time blog member, True, shared a heartwarming story about our boy, Erik, doing what he seems to thoroughly enjoy lately: chilln’ with someone from the Channeling Erik family. As he did in life, he makes good company. A few weeks ago, I had to go down to San Diego for the day for some…
Abilities of the Discarnate and Children
After Erik shared the amazing abilities the unfettered souls have, I felt pretty impotent. Since a single thought can’t put a gourmet meal on the table this evening, I guess I’ll have to slave in the kitchen instead. Actually, we’re having leftovers, so I’m off the hook for one day. But since I can’t think…
Expectation, Focus and Intent
I want to thank everyone for sending Lukas all of the wonderful healing energy. He says he feels so much better. It’s hard to pry much more information out of him since he’s your typical teenage guy, so we’ll see how he responds in the long run. I’d also like to thank everyone for sending love…
Dimes from Heaven
Today, Michelle and I went on errands together. In the both the driver’s and passenger’s door of her car, there’s a place to hold a drink and other things, as is the case in most cars. Since we were going to the bank first, I put my two checks to be deposited, my VERY coveted…
“Life” Without a Body
After talking about suicide in this session, it was a nice change to ask questions about something less morbid: additional abilities of the discarnate soul. Enjoy! Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, off that dreary subject! Someone from the blog wants to know how much time a soul spends analyzing its most recent life as opposed to…
Reasons for Suicide
Good news before we embark on this dreary subject. Robert is doing well. He says living independently was a lot harder than he thought, because every little thing exhausts him, even answering emails. I wished he had stayed with us another week or two, but he had to get back to his pups, so… Fortunately,…
Soul Connections
Enjoy this, the beginning of the hour long session from December 8th. Slowly catching up! Tomorrow, the subject will include more on the choice of suicide as an exit point designed between lives. Channeling Transcript Jamie: Hello! Me: Hi Jamie! How are you today? Jamie: Excellent! Erik had a busy morning already! Me: Oh boy….
More on God
Channeling Transcript Me: Okay. Erik, have you met God or his or her representation? Have you met saints or gurus, and do you have places of worship there like churches, temples, etc.? Erik: Yeah, to answer your last question, yeah, it’s not really a place to go worship, though. Me: Uh huh. Erik: It’s more…
More on Animal Souls
I had the most amazing lucid dreams last night. It was one of those dreams where you think you’re actually awake. Maybe I was, I don’t know. I knew my eyes were closed, but I could still “see” in spite of that fact. I thought that was pretty weird. So, with eyes shut, I saw…
I’m still under the weather with influenza, but busily wiping down the phones, door handles and keyboards with disinfectant to protect our boy, Robert. He’s on Tamiflu, doing well, happy to have his staples out! I’m not going to edit this entry, so can y’all let me know if you see any glaring boo-boos? Channeling…