Hey all. I’m going to increase the size of the photos in the previous post so please re-visit them so you can see which of the orbs are obviously NOT dust specks. Also, at the bottom of this post, you’ll notice more icons under “Share the Love.” So you have more avenues to expand our…
Soul Music
Elisa MedhusMarch 3, 2011in After Death Communication, Afterlife, Bereaved, Between Lives, Birth of souls, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Contact with the dead, Crossing over, Death, Death of a Child, Dream visitation, Dreams, Grief, Grieving, Heaven, Human Experience, Immortality, Life After Death, Lucid Dream, Mental illness, Messages from the dead, Music, Physical Manifestation, Psychic medium, Quantum Physics of the Soul, Reincarnation, Spirit Guides, Spirit visitation, Spirits and electrical appliances, Spirits and radios, Spirits and telephones, Spirits moving objects, Spirits visiting as birds, Spirits visiting as insects, Spirits working with Energy, Spiritual presence, Struggles, Suffering, Suicide, The Physics of Consciousness, The Physics of Heaven, The Physics of Thought, The Soul, Travel