Channeling Transcript Jeannie: How are you? Me: Great, no complaints, except it’s been kind of cold over here! Jeannie: I heard that; I can’t believe it got so cold down there. Me: Yeah, we have a winter storm warning here, so the kids are psyched because they’ll probably get out early today and get off…
I won’t lie, today’s been tough. Maybe it’s a rainy Monday thing. Been a long time since I actually felt the physical pain, the heartache that grief sometimes brings, but today, while grocery shopping, I felt is down to the very marrow of my bones. Deep, penetrating, and merciless. Death is a funny thing. For…
Massive Animal Die-Offs
Rather than wait until I make my way through the ever-growing queue of channeling recordings, I’d like to share something Erik said that I thought was really funny. He said a lot of you have been asking him to push over your cats lately. He wants everyone to know that not every cat likes it….
Erik’s Brush with Death
I may have mentioned this before, but after the death of Erik’s ex-girlfriend, he took an overdose of Provigil, a medication sometimes used for ADHD. This is the topic of today’s entry. It brings back a lot of sad memories of how much he suffered in life as well as a realization that he was…
Just for Fun
Enough of the heavy stuff for a day. Let’s enjoy some Erik antics! After the transcript, please enjoy the amazing account of a woman who claims to be the reincarnation of Anne Frank. You can tell by her demeanor and her story that she is NOT a fraud! Thanks, Tracy, for bringing these videos to…
Possessions, Orbs and Reincarnation
Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, a lot of people have asked this one, Erik. It’s about possession. Can spirits possess the bodies of humans? I’m talking about demonic or non-demonic spirits. Erik (chuckling): Is this the part of the book when you need to warn people whether they should read forward or not? Jamie and I…
How Spirits Manifest
Good news, I’m out of my robe! (grin) I want to thank all of you for the soothing words and insight you provided when I was feeling so low yesterday. I have days like that every once in a while, but I rarely write about them because I know I’m not alone when in comes…
When the Soul Enters the Body
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone, Irish or otherwise. Let’s send some of our luck wrapped in love and light to the folks in Japan and all those brave men and women there to help. Blog member, Shawna, sent me the most recent Divine Openings newsletter, and one section in particular really struck a chord. I’d…
Ghosts and Spirits
Here’s a very important reminder from Shannon: I’ll be doing the ‘Releasing Blocks’ call on Thursday, March 17, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (and Arizona), 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time, 7:00 p.m. Central Time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. Google ‘United States Time Zones’ if you’re not sure which zone you are in. Call in info: (218) 632-9896,…
The Lifecycle of a Soul
I know many of you watch in pain as the years go by after losing a loved one—one year, two years, five years, ten year, and on and on. If you’re like me, part of you has gained a new spiritual understanding of death and of the soul’s immortality. Yet, despite the comforting fact that…
Music as a Way to Heal
It’s fitting that Erik answer all music-related questions, given the love he had for all forms, classical, rock, jazz, blues, country, and more. What he hasn’t covered until now is using music as a healing modality now and in the future. I find this all fascinating. A recent comment on another blog by two Channeling…
Seeing Erik and More on Celebrities
My prayers go out to those in Japan who have been hit by the largest Earthquake in its history and to those living on our west coast too. Please send healing and protective energy their way. I’m going to visualize wrapping the west coast in a bubble of white light, but if anyone has other…
The Simple Truth of the Little Glass Box
Bet that title’s gotcha thinking, huh? Enjoy this channeling session through Jamie, recorded just after New Years. Channeling Transcript Jamie: How are you doing?! Happy New Year! Me: I’m doing fine, and Happy New Year, Merry belated Christmas and the whole shebang to you, too, Jamie! Jamie laughs. Jamie: I was just chit-chatting with Erik…
Spiritual Basis for Illness
This entry, we’re only just beginning to explore the spiritual rationale for various disorders and diseases. As he says somewhere below, Erik promises to continue to find out more. Evidently, it’s not a simple “one cause for one disease” scenario. Each disease or disorder can have a variety of spiritual origins. That said, Erik has…
Fear Tactics
Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, now what are earth’s lightworkers? You mentioned before that they planned a special mission before incarnating. What else can you share with us about that? Erik: Lightworkers are those people who choose to come back. It’s not like they have to or anything. We talked about that just a little while…
If Sundays are Tough
For many of us who have lost a loved ones, Sundays aren’t easy. The errands are done. The house is quiet. The mind is idle, opening a door to let the sadness slink back in. I understand this all too well. So, because I love you all so dearly, let me offer you a ray…
Energy Blockages
My father has been suffering from influenza and now has post-influenzal staphylococcal pneumonia. If you can, send him the energetic healing he needs. Time to recharge those frickin’ lasers and aim them at his lungs! Thanks guys! Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, here’s another one from a reader. When we dream about those who have died,…
Soul Music
Hey all. I’m going to increase the size of the photos in the previous post so please re-visit them so you can see which of the orbs are obviously NOT dust specks. Also, at the bottom of this post, you’ll notice more icons under “Share the Love.” So you have more avenues to expand our…
Erik’s Messages to the Channeling Erik Family
I had another amazing session with Erik through Jamie, and Erik had a lot of messages for us: I asked, “Erik, do you have any messages for your fan?” Jamie laughs, because Erik is doing this hand gesture like the Queen of England would do. “Oh yes, my children.” Erik: Yes, tell everybody that there…
Sex, Emotions and Other Odds and Ends
Well, the Best Weblog for Religion went to The Friendly Atheist. (Total irony, right?) If that’s the case and the atheists have a stronghold in popularity, then we still have much work to do! Congratulations to them; it’s a very well-designed an well-written blog. But boy won’t they be surprised when they cross over (hee…
Abilities of the Discarnate and Children
After Erik shared the amazing abilities the unfettered souls have, I felt pretty impotent. Since a single thought can’t put a gourmet meal on the table this evening, I guess I’ll have to slave in the kitchen instead. Actually, we’re having leftovers, so I’m off the hook for one day. But since I can’t think…
Expectation, Focus and Intent
I want to thank everyone for sending Lukas all of the wonderful healing energy. He says he feels so much better. It’s hard to pry much more information out of him since he’s your typical teenage guy, so we’ll see how he responds in the long run. I’d also like to thank everyone for sending love…
Dimes from Heaven
Today, Michelle and I went on errands together. In the both the driver’s and passenger’s door of her car, there’s a place to hold a drink and other things, as is the case in most cars. Since we were going to the bank first, I put my two checks to be deposited, my VERY coveted…
Language and the Semantics of Good and Evil
Channeling Transcript Me: Is our 3-D reality just a projection of our thoughts? Erik: Yes, it’s all about projection of a focused intent, just like a movie projector would focus a movie on a screen. That’s how manifestation works, and that’s how prayer and affirmation works. And if enough people get together and think of…