I had another amazing session with Erik through Jamie, and Erik had a lot of messages for us: I asked, “Erik, do you have any messages for your fan?” Jamie laughs, because Erik is doing this hand gesture like the Queen of England would do. “Oh yes, my children.” Erik: Yes, tell everybody that there…
Erik’s Messages to the Channeling Erik Family
Elisa MedhusMarch 2, 2011in After Death Communication, Afterlife, Bereaved, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Consciousness, Contact with the dead, Crossing over, Death, Death of a Child, Energy, Energy Healing, Free Will, Grief, Grieving, Grieving Children, Heaven, Human Experience, Immortality, Jamie Butler, Life After Death, Messages from the dead, Orbs, Pranks from spirits, Proof in the spirit world, Proof of the Afterlife, Psychic medium, Reincarnation, Skepticism, Skeptics, Spirit Guides, Spirits working with Energy, Spiritual enlightenment, Spiritual Healing, Struggles, Suffering, Suicide